At the end of the investigation, the effectiveness of Soberana 01 is expected to equal or exceed Soberana 02.

Havana, Cuba: The Finlay Institute of Vaccines of Cuba (IFV) highlighted this Monday the application of doses of the Soberana Centro clinical trial against Covid-19, in the province of Cienfuegos, Radio Habana Cuba publishes.

In its account on the social network Twitter, the scientific entity reported on the conclusion in that territory of the application of the third and last dose of the vaccine in more than 1,160 subjects.

It explained that the immune response of Soberana 01 was evaluated with respect to two of Soberana 02 plus Soberana Plus.

Recently, Dr. Yanet Climens from the IFV collective clarified that she has not yet concluded the study because they will follow up every four months to those already vaccinated, a process that will last for a year.

The third dose (Soberana Plus) was applied to each of the participants in the project, which gave continuity to the previous inoculations of Soberana 01 and Soberana 02 in a blind study.

The Soberana Centro clinical trial seeks to evaluate the immunogenicity of the prophylactic anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate FINLAY-FR-1 (Soberana01) with respect to FINLAY-FR-2 (Soberana02), both in a heterologous scheme with FINLAY-FR-1A ( SoberanaPlus).

The expert argued that at the end of the investigation the effectiveness of Soberana 01 is expected to equal or exceed Soberana 02.

Por Redacción Digital

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