Fabricación de bioproductos una cartera en crecimiento.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The Bioprocesos Cuba 10 Base Business Unit, located in Quivicán, diversifies the manufacture of bio-products aimed at improving the efficiency of crops and replacing imports in sugarcane and non-sugarcane agriculture, the Granma newspaper reports.

They are currently increasing the number of assortments processed on an industrial scale to incorporate five bio-based products to the portfolio of offerings.

These bio-products include Gluticid, a biochemical powder bio-fungicide that protects the botanical seed of sugarcane and benefits other crops.

In the Bioprocesos Cuba 10 plant they also elaborate the Bioenraiz, which exerts a positive action on the formation of the roots and favors germination.

Another of the productions is the Icibiop Glu, a very efficient nitrogen fixer and phosphorus solubilizer. At the moment they are working for its introduction into sugar cane, although it is used for all crops.

They also make Lebame, a mixture of efficient microorganisms from the collection of strains of the Cuban Institute for Research on Sugar Cane Derivatives.

In the plant they produce Nitrofix, a nitrogen-fixing biofertilizer and stimulant of plant growth.

By Redacción digital

Equipo de redactores del sitio web de Radio Mayabeque

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