Fight against terrorism.

United Nations: The fight against terrorism demands the collaboration of all nations and is affected by double standards, politicization and selectivity, as revealed in a week of activism that ends today at the United Nations (UN), Prensa Latina publishes.

During the Virtual Week against Terrorism, called by the United Nations, several nations denounced how some countries hinder efforts against that scourge.

The double standards and the use for political purposes of something as serious as terrorism prevent a global concerted action to end the growing threats, stressed the vice minister for North America of the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, Carlos Ron.

The United States Government is behind many attacks against its nation and others in Latin America, such as Cuba.

All this is part of a continuous policy whose purpose is, through terror and pressure, to promote change in those nations whose political systems are not related to it, he stressed.

“The United States, which has historically protected terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles, has neither the moral nor the power to evaluate the fight against terrorism in any country.”

This was stated by the vice minister in reference to the inclusion of Cuba and Venezuela in the list of the US State Department of nations that supposedly do not fully collaborate with anti-terrorism efforts.

For her part, the alternate permanent representative of Cuba to the UN, Ana Silvia Rodríguez, also rejected the unilateral and arbitrary inclusion of the Island on that list.

The scourge of terrorism, he stressed, cannot be eradicated if double standards, manipulation, political opportunism and selectivity to face it prevail.

Likewise, she denounced that the speeches and hate messages promoted by the United States Government encourage terrorist actions against Cuba.

The recent terrorist attack on the Cuban embassy in Washington is a direct result of the permanent instigation of violence by US politicians, the ambassador denounced.

Such hate speeches are even promoted by senior officials from the State Department and the US embassy in Havana, and are very common among extremist anti-Cuban groups that have made this type of attack their livelihood, she said.

Meanwhile, UN Secretary General António Guterres called on the international community to maintain momentum in the fight against terrorism and be innovative in responses.

The other points mentioned were the need to address the spread of terrorist narratives through holistic pandemic-sensitive approaches, and to strengthen the exchange of information to learn from the experiences and good practices of others, amid the complex security landscape due to to the current crisis by Covid-19.

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