Official Mourning in Cuba in Memory of Eusebio Leal

Havana, Cuba: An official mourning in Cuba today remembers the eminent intellectual Eusebio Leal, after learning the death of the historian of Havana the day before, Prensa Latina publishes.

The Presidency of the Caribbean nation decreed in an official note the duel for 24 hours from 00:00 today to 00:00 tomorrow, August 1.

During the validity of this measure, the national flag will be raised at half-mast in public buildings and military institutions, the document added.

The funeral honors of the researcher and essayist will be held in the Capitol of Havana once the Covid-19 epidemic has been controlled, the text reports

In accordance with the wishes of the family, his ashes will be preserved so that the Cuban people pay him the deserved tribute to his invaluable work in favor of the rescue, conservation and promotion of the historical values of the nation and the capital.

Eusebio Leal passed away on Friday morning at the age of 77, the victim of a painful illness.

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