Cimex and TRD Announce Measures to Supervise and Control Merchandise Sales

Cuba: The stores of the TRD chain and the CIMEX Coorporation announced a series of measures for the supervision and control of the sale of merchandises, Radio Rebelde reports.

The objective is to minimize the creation of lines, as well as to prevent the merchandise to become part of the hoarder and reseller offerings.

The Cimex Corporation has established the disposition of supervisors in commercial units that sale products that generate hoarding behaviors.

Likewise, it was determined to apply comprehensive controls to branches and territorial complexes with claims and complaints from the population.

For its part, Caribe Store prohibits selling merchandise above the approved quantities and also does not allow concentrating the sale of high-demand products in a single Commercial Unit or Sales Floor.

This corporation also prohibits sales without first informing workers and the public on the tablet and in a visible way, the offers, their unit prices and the quantity that can be carried per customer.

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