Forest fires threaten a natural reserve in Bolivia.

Bolivia: Forest fires have devastated at least four thousand hectares of the Noel Kempff Park, in Bolivia, one of the main natural reserves, and threaten to repeat the environmental disaster that occurred last year, Radio Rebelde reports.

The Minister of the Environment and Water, María Elva Pinckert, quoted in a statement that they are looking at how to take planes to extinguish fire by air, but first they must make the fire roads.

The owner expressed that a committee of national and regional authorities of Santa Cruz will define today an action plan with the aim of trying to prevent the fires from reaching the magnitude of those of 2019, which consumed in that department almost four million hectares of forests and grasslands.

So far in 2020, uncontrolled fires have already destroyed one million hectares, the Friends of Nature Foundation reported last weekend.

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