Buenos Aires: Euphoria is felt today in a sleepless Argentina, which focuses the eyes of many women in the world after the historic approval of the law for the legal interruption of pregnancy, Prensa Latina publishes.

It was a contained emotion of many years, a collective battle with the historical power that today hundreds of feminist collectives weave that, thanks to their resistance, made possible from now on free and legal access to abortion until the 14th week of gestation.

The voice of a historical political figure, the vice president and president of the Senate, Cristina Fernández, announcing after four in the morning and after 12 hours of debates, the news was a balm of joy for thousands of thousands of Argentineans from Buenos Aires to Patagonia and beyond the borders.

“Once again a Peronist government returning rights”,  agreed many of those who were in the square in front of Congress almost until dawn, who sent their eternal gratitude to President Alberto Fernández and his team for this project that is now law.

Just after five in the morning the president referred to this historic day for the country.

“Safe, legal and free abortion is law. I promised to do so on election campaign days. Today we are a better society that expands rights to women and guarantees public health. Recover the value of the pawned word. Political commitment”, the president stressed on his Twitter account.

Excited, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, the Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity, was also seen from a Senate box, a cabinet that emerged in this first year of Fernández’s government.

“The National Law for Comprehensive Health Care and Attention during Pregnancy and Early Childhood was approved. Today we win the right of women, other pregnant people and their children to carry out their life projects in freedom”, the official wrote on Twitter.

Great impact generated the approval of the law within Argentina, where until today 500,000 annual pregnancy interruptions are practiced clandestinely and in the most astonishing ways, where many lost their lives due to undergoing this procedure in subhuman conditions.

A milestone for a country that has led multiple social conquests on the continent such as the equal marriage law, the gender identity law and now enters the short list of nations that allow legal access to abortion.

Outside the borders, the news is also felt and even the president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, referred to this historic day by pointing out that Argentina is today a more feminist nation.

Por Redacción Digital

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