Havana: The Felix Varela Distinction, conferred by the board of directors of the Economic Society Friends of the Country, was awarded post mortem to Dr. Eusebio Leal Spengler (1942-2020).

According to the website of Radio Encyclopedia, the award took place in a private ceremony, in which Dr. Zoila Benitez de Mendoza, president of the Economic Society Friends of the Country, read the special resolution of 2021 that legalizes the award.

The document refers, among other arguments, that Dr. Leal, historian of Havana until his death on July 31st, was linked from his school years until the end of his life to this institution of Cuban thought, using its public library where he learned to love books, and contributed with key ideas and indications for his work.

The medal, which on its main face shows the effigy of Father Félix Varela, and on its reverse side presents the coat of arms of the Economic Society Friends of the Country, of which the historian was Honorary President, was deposited in the hands of his son Javier Leal.

This precious recognition is added to the countless distinctions granted during his lifetime to the beloved Cuban intellectual, politician, essayist and researcher, a passionate admirer and promoter of the thought of the Cuban priest Félix Varela.

Leal was Doctor Honoris Causa of several universities in Latin America and Europe and, among other awards, he held the Victor Hugo Medal and the Medal of the World Decade for Cultural Development, awarded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

He also held the Juan Marinello Order of the Republic of Cuba, the Felix Varela Order of the First Degree, awarded by the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba, the Fernando Ortiz International Prize (2005) and the Grand Cross of the Royal and Distinguished Spanish Order of Charles III, awarded by the King of Spain, Philip VI of Spain, as part of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the capital.

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