Más de 30 mil millones es el daño causado a Venezuela.

Caracas: The special commission to investigate crimes against Venezuelan heritage will present a preliminary report to the National Assembly (Parliament) next week, Deputy José Brito reported today.

In statements to the media, the head of the parliamentary committee recalled that two national prosecutors were assigned to investigate the damage caused by the dispossession and looting of assets by a political sector of the opposition during the previous legislature, Prensa Latina reports.

In this regard, punishable acts were determined that make former deputy Juan Guaidó responsible for various charges of corruption, usurpation of functions, organized crime, attempted assassination, among others, Brito said.

He estimated at more than 30 billion the damage caused to the Republic in assets and financial resources blocked abroad as a result of the actions of this political group, in complicity with governments of several countries.

Likewise, during the investigations the existence of media apparatus in the country financed from this criminal plot was determined, which included the designation of fraudulent directives and the seizure of assets as part of a business associated with the so-called sanctions.

The investigations cover the corruption scandals related to the theft of assets of the Republic that dot the opposition leader Juan Guaidó, who was recognized in 2019 as president in charge by the US administration of Donald Trump.

Under the alleged authority of the alleged parallel government, this political sector conspired to deprive Venezuela of important assets abroad, such as the Citgo oil corporation (United States), the petrochemical company Monómeros (Colombia), and the gold reserves guarded in the Bank of England.

Recently, another plot led by Guaidó came to light that involved the cancellation of a millionaire debt to Paraguay with the company Petróleos de Venezuela, in exchange for political favors and the payment of only half of the total sum, in cash and without interest.

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