Brasilia: The Supreme Federal Court (STF) of Brazil will judge today the judicial decision to allow access by the defense of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to compromising messages of the deactivated Lava Jato operation, Prensa Latina publishes.

For the so-called Operation Spoofing (usurpation), the Federal Police arrested four suspects in late July in Sao Paulo of hacking the cell phones of former judge Sérgio Moro, other authorities and prosecutors of Lava Jato.

During the period of the police action, the online site The Intercept Brasil published a series of dishonest talks between Moro and members of the judicial operation.

The messages exposed the lack of impartiality of the former Minister of Justice and his influence on procedures and strategies of Lava Jato, as well as his intentions to convict without evidence the founder of the Workers’ Party (PT).

During an interview with CNN television, hacker Walter Delgatti confirmed what is already a fact in the public domain: Lula was the focus of Moro and the lawyer Deltan Dallagnol, former coordinator of Lava Jato.

According to Delgatti, the messages exchanged between the two showed that they had a marked interest in the former president.

Such access by Lula’s defense to pirated smartphone content was determined by Judge Ricardo Lewandowski on December 28. However, the authority had to support his ruling twice until it was carried out.

Given the facts, the prosecutors argued that ‘using the alleged evidence for any purpose is completely despicable from the legal point of view. We were victims of pirates, but we did not recognize the messages’, they pointed out.

They insisted that the material was obtained criminally “and its use as evidence for other purposes will lead to serious violations of the judicial process.”

In this regard, the president of the PT, Gleisi Hoffmann, assured that Moro is afraid of the dissemination of messages that prove his conspiracy and partiality in judicial processes.

She denounced that the former magistrate presented a request to the Supreme Court to prevent telephone conversations that ratify his collusion against Lula from seeing the light.

Also in an article published this Monday in the newspaper O Globo, journalist Demetrio Magnoli commented that access to the messages exchanged between Moro and Lava Jato may aggravate the suspicion of partiality of the former minister.

“The war against the truth has the dual purpose of avoiding the legal demoralization of the gang (Lava Jato) and of preserving the residues of a political project poisoned by the Moro and (President Jair) Bolsonaro association,” Magnoli remarked.

Por Redacción Digital

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