Caracas: The Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, assured that this nation is today the center of the geopolitical interests of imperialism, with the United States at the head.

In an exclusive interview with Prensa Latina, the head of the Venezuelan diplomacy explained his vision regarding the future relations of the Bolivarian Government with the current US administration.

In this regard, he explained that they do not even depend on the dominant elite of the northern nation or whoever occupies the White House, because the essence is imperialism.

“It is a network, a gear of corporate, military, industrial technological and financial interests that act through political bodies such as the North American government, so knowing that its objective is to control Venezuela to satisfy its own interests is little what can be expected”, he stressed.

For us, he said, that have been in power for 22 years as a Revolution, the relationship and interaction with the dominant elite in Washington has being a learning, and we can easily conclude that imperialism is one and it is not even just the United States.

However, he assured, Venezuela is forceful in its policy, in its resistance, so perhaps the new US government will not find it valid or useful to continue the aggressions.

“In that case, we will always be willing to talk, to listen, to cooperate on the basis of mutual respect. If the United States wants it, we want it, and if it doesn’t want it, we will win anyway”.

He, in the same way, recalled that there is a geopolitical interest of an ideological order of the great powers because for years the governments of the country were servile to those interests and allowed the looting of great resources, which changed with the triumph of the Revolution.

“There are large lobbies whose imperial interest is to overthrow the socialist Revolution and take political, economic and cultural control of the country, thereby eliminating the identity of the Venezuelan, to have in their hands the jewel in the crown of this 21st century America”.

For this reason, he stressed, denouncing the illegality of the United States blockade will always be one of the main issues of the country’s foreign policy, and as Cuba has done for more than sixty years, it is necessary to insist again and again in that it is an aggression, a damage to the Venezuelan people.

“Those coercive, unilateral and arbitrary measures that generate the blockades are outside of international law, they are criminal”, he said.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs pointed out that every day countries become aware of the damage generated by these punitive actions and perceive the need to confront and denounce them.

He assured that if all the governments that suffer the consequences of this aggressive and hostile policy on the part of Washington work together, there is hope that soon the international organizations will condemn them, if we go together and continue firmly we will achieve the objective.

Regarding the lawsuit against the United States presented by Venezuela in the International Criminal Court (ICC), he pointed out that it is aimed at accusing the officials of the United States government who signed executive orders, who were part of the aggressions against Venezuela. .

“The ICC acts on individual responsibilities, which is why we have presented evidence that these measures have generated hunger, death, and disease. We are representing all those nations subject to these sanctions”, he said.

Arreaza explained that at this time the process presented on February 13, 2020, is under evaluation by the Prosecutor’s Office of the judicial entity, which must pronounce itself during this year and determine if it should go to the court to evaluate and impose individual responsibilities on those who have attacked Venezuela.

It is a great responsibility, because the Venezuelan case is not only for Venezuela and that can create a precedent, we trust that justice will be done; we have no other option but to trust.

Por Redacción Digital

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