President Diaz-Canel Describes World Campaign for Cuba as Exciting.

Havana: President Miguel Diaz-Canel on Sunday described as exciting the international solidarity campaign against the United States blockade and in support of Cuba, Prensa Latina publishes.

On his Twitter account, the president sent ‘a moved and sincere embrace to all Cubans who have been called in several cities of the world to demand what is fair’.

The head of State added that this world movement ‘is making history with Cuba in the center of all embraces and a single demand: #AbajoElBloqueo (#DownTheBlockade)’.

Regarding the mobilization in Havana, he tweeted, ‘Ahead were young people, pedaling on the anniversary of #UJCuba, behind were cars, electrical motorcycles and more bicycles’.

‘Called by their own sentiments of rejection of the blockade that is trying to suffocate us as a people, hundreds of citizens took to the Malecon (Seawall) this morning in an enthusiastic caravan’.

Diaz-Canel noted the participation of young people who promoted the motto ‘You are the present’, and added that ‘we are seeing in deeds that they do not expect the future, they are making it’.

The Cuban head of State assured that the initiative also builds ‘Bridges of Love to those who make the same cry overseas’, in reference to the project being promoted by Cuban-American Carlos Lazo, who is convening these events in the United States and Canada.

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