Alarming start of April, with a daily average of more than a thousand cases, the majority in Havana.

Havana, Cuba: The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, announced today more drastic closure measures to face the high incidence of Covid-19 in the country and insisted on responsible actions of the population.

Through his Twitter account, the president assured that the low perception of risk is the greatest danger.

“Alarming start of April, with a daily average of more than a thousand cases, the majority in Havana. In the next few hours there will be more drastic closure measures, as in the face of the first outbreak of Covid-19”, he wrote.

In addition, the head of state urged a more responsible collective action for the good of our families and the Homeland: distancing, hygiene and masks.

Díaz-Canel highlighted that more than 90 thousand volunteers are already receiving the second dose of the nationally produced vaccine candidates Soberana02 and Abdala.

“At the same time, a controlled intervention study continues with thousands of other Cubans. Extraordinary effort that deserves a more responsible popular response”, he emphasized.

He also warned that “it will take months for Cuba to be fully immunized. It is not enough to put your shoulder on ‘and once again reiterated his call for responsibility.

Health authorities reported 1 066 new cases of contagion with Covid-19 the day before, for which the nation exceeded a thousand confirmed in 24 hours for six consecutive days.

The national director of Epidemiology, Francisco Durán, pointed out that this figure shows the complex epidemiological situation of the country, with a total of 80,610 people diagnosed since March 2020 with SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen that causes the disease.

To date, 26,198 remain admitted, of which 3,787 are suspects, 17,420 are under surveillance and 4,991 are still active with the coronavirus.

The Caribbean nation increased its incidence rate in the last 15 days to 122.6 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Caption: Alarming start of April, with a daily average of more than a thousand cases, the majority in Havana. Photo: Prensa Latina

Por Redacción Digital

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