Moscow: The stability of the Russian economy is fully assured, Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said today, when asked about the country’s resilience to the new US sanctions.

The press officer of the Russian Presidency affirmed that the country’s economic efficiency is recognized internationally. “We see no reason to doubt this efficiency”, Peskov stressed, according to the TASS news agency.

The day before, US President Joseph Biden signed a decree imposing a new package of unilateral measures against the Russian Federation.

In particular, Washington prohibits its companies from directly buying Russian debt securities issued by the Central Bank, the National Wealth Fund or the Ministry of Finance of this country after June 14, 2021.

The sanctions include the expulsion from the country of 10 diplomats who work in the Russian embassy in Washington because, according to the US side, there are representatives of the intelligence services among them.

The US Treasury also imposed restrictions on 16 organizations and 16 individuals, allegedly associated with interference attributed by Russia in US elections, the TASS news agency reported.

In addition, sanctions were introduced against eight natural and legal persons associated with Crimea, including members of the government of that republic.

Washington justified the new measures with allegations that Russian intelligence is behind the piracy of SolarWinds software and that Moscow interfered in the presidential elections, an accusation repeatedly rejected by the Kremlin.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zajárova said Thursday that Moscow will give a strong response to the new sanctions imposed by the United States.

“This aggressive behavior, without a doubt, will face an energetic rejection, the response to the sanctions will be forceful”, the diplomat said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned Washington’s ambassador to Moscow, John Sullivan.

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