Cuba: Floral offerings by the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel, Army General Raúl Castro and the Cuban people were deposited before the monumental complex to the martyrs of Playa Girón, Radio Reloj reports.

In reduced composition, the residents of Ciénaga de Zapata commemorated the day of the victory, a moment to show that the work of the Revolution continues with the implementation of water purification units, works of social benefit and the promotion of the protection of the best preserved biodiversity insular Caribbean wetland.

With the presence of Nemesia Rodríguez Montano, the Ciénaga flower, and leaders of the Party and the Government, the Playa Girón museum exhibited the piece of the month, donated by the disappeared José Ramón Fernández, Hero of the Republic of Cuba consisting of disqualified documents from the Central Intelligence Agency confirming the participation of the US government in the invasion of Playa Girón.

The Playa Girón memorial museum shows interesting advances in innovative exhibition techniques, a program under development to turn it into an interactive site, without language barriers, in a short time.

Bienvenido Roig, First Secretary of the Party in the Ciénaga de Zapata, ratified that the inhabitants of the region are committed to Socialism in the Greater of the Antilles with the same resolution with which militiamen and combatants delivered, sixty years ago, the first military defeat to the Yankee empire in Latin America.

In Girón they were already fighting for socialism in Cuba.

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