Organización Mundial de Turismo critica protocolos actuales de viaje.

Spain: The secretary general of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Zourab Pololikashvili, criticized the current travel protocols and described them as chaotic, Prensa Latina reports.

A report by the OTM adds that the manager called for a joint effort between nations and coordination to provide information to tourists, and to know where and how they can travel.

The issue of movements, protocols and measures has different edges in the face of the impact of Covid-19 and health protection mechanisms.

That report states that at the XIII Ibero-American Business Meeting, organized by the Ibero-American General Secretariat, the secretary general of the United Nations agency for tourism trusted in the correct next steps for June to July.

He supported his hope in the step that the so-called Covid Passport or Green card means, to allow greater mobility to those who are vaccinated against the disease.

Despite this, such a document would only be operative in the European Union (EU), so Pololikashvili was in favor of greater coordination with large markets such as China, Russia, the United States or the Arab countries.

UNWTO works, he said, with each region and each country to establish corridors, hoping that this summer they will be more effective.

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