Havana, Cuba: Cuba reiterated its willingness to share with humanity the results of its scientific and innovation experiences, in an international context marked today by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The president of the Caribbean nation, Miguel Díaz-Canel, speaking the day before at the XXVII Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, said that the country maintains its policy of solidarity and cooperation for the benefit of the people.

Cuba will never renounce the construction of a sovereign, independent, socialist, democratic, prosperous and sustainable nation, always ready to share the results of its experiences based on science and innovation, the president said.

The also first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Antillean Island, highlighted as an advantage being able to have 229 entities for scientific development, most of them dedicated to research.

He added that this robust system, with its advanced and efficient biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, is a fundamental ally in the fight against Covid-19, and allows the Caribbean nation to currently have five vaccine candidates in different stages of clinical trials.

Likewise, its alliance with the universal, free and quality health system, with highly specialized human resources, has made it possible to provide a fairly effective response to the pandemic.

However, Diaz-Canel emphasized, in the midst of the health emergency, the United States brutally intensified the economic, commercial and financial blockade, to which the Cuban people responded by redoubling their proverbial resistance and creativity.

He recalled that Washington also carried out campaigns to discredit and boycott the medical cooperation offered by the country, despite which 57 brigades of the Henry Reeve Contingent contributed to the efforts of 40 nations and territories against the pandemic.

The Cuban head of state thanked the traditional support of the Ibero-American community for the demand for an end to the US siege, and for the signs of rejection of the classification of Cuba as a sponsor of terrorism.

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