Mayabeque, Cuba: The Jamaica Motel, located on the Tapaste Highway, in San José de las Lajas, was one of the first in the province to take over as an Isolation Center, today converted into a hospital that welcomes positive cases of COVID -19.

Since the detection of the first patients infected with the new coronavirus, the 12 workers of that facility, with discipline and responsibility, assumed the noble task of supporting health personnel in the face of the pandemic.

According to the pantry worker of the Motel Jamaica, Katia Toledo Pino, the priority for them is to provide full care to patients who are positive for the SARS CoV-2 virus.

Toledo Pino, who is also secretary of the Jamaica Motel union explained that while they protect patients, they are also protected.

The Motel has the capacity to serve a score of infected with COVID-19. Its workers make up that segment of the town that bets on life every day.

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