United Nations: The Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, will participate today in the climate summit organized by the president of the United States, Joe Biden, according to the spokesman of that multilateral organization, Stéphane Dujarric.

Since he came to power this year, the US president pointed out that he intends to put environmental action as a priority again and, for this, he defeated policies promoted by his predecessor Donald Trump.

Just the same day he assumed the presidency, on January 20, Biden signed an executive order that laid the foundations for the return of the United States to the Paris Agreement.

The highest representative of the United Nations welcomed these steps and called on the northern nation to join the global efforts to confront climate change.

Biden, for his part, appointed John Kerry as special envoy for the climate and called the summit to be held this Thursday and Friday, mostly virtually.

For this occasion, the Democratic leader invited the leaders of some countries that are already feeling the effects of climate change and asked to address the need for more ambitious cuts in polluting emissions.

Among those invited to the meeting are the leaders of China, Xi Jinping, and of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

The president of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen; the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel; and the French president, Emmanuel Macron.

According to analysts, Washington must now begin to finalize plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions for this decade.

Currently, the United States is among the main emitters of polluting gases, according to data from the United Nations Environment Program.

Most of these emissions come from fossil fuels, but also from cement manufacturing and gas combustion.

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