Total support in Mayabeque for the Revolution and Socialism.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The people of Mayabeque ratify their commitment to the Revolution, the Homeland and the Socialism, in a massive act held in the capital city, San José de las Lajas, with the participation of the advanced political force, and the organizations of masses.

The call was led by the Deputy Prime Minister, Ricardo Cabrisas, accompanied by the first secretary of the Party in the province, Yanina de la Nuez, along with the Governor, Tamara Valido Benítez.

During the march, the revolutionaries denounced the intensified and genocidal blockade also maintained during the current administration of the United States, which is the main cause of the problems affecting the country.

The response of the revolutionary people to the violent instigators who promoted a “game of confusion” to fragment the unity among Cubans, with destabilizing acts, also took place in other cities of the youngest province of Cuba.

Hundreds of people walked the streets of Güines with shouts of Viva Cuba Libre, in a march in which representatives of political and mass organizations expressed their rejection of the destabilization actions promoted by the Government of Washington, with the support of mercenaries.

Several voices warned of the danger of manipulation and deception to which some may be subjected, as part of the fourth generation war underway against Cuba.

Maria Elena Fernández

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