Eva Perón the standard-bearer of the humble.

Buenos Aires: Argentina today will remember Eva Perón, one of the great women in the history of this country, with several events and initiatives for the 69th anniversary of her death.

Different collectives and social and human rights movements will honor the standard bearer of the humble, as they baptized her, including several women who identify with the Peronist political current who in many parts will pay tribute to her, such as in the province of Formosa, where there will be a Commemorative act in front of the bust that pays tribute to her on a street of the same name.

One of the most significant actions on this day will be the one led by 62 union organizations and the Peña Eva Perón, in a kind of mass in the Cathedral of this capital, which will be officiated by Father Alejandro Russo.

“Today, more than ever, it is necessary to vindicate the validity of Evita’s legacy,” the managers of this initiative said in a joint statement.

Since the day before, photos of her surrounded by her people and phrases of her that she left for posterity are replicated on social networks while several talks and virtual tributes are expected for this day.

A political leader and actress, Evita married Juan Domingo Perón in 1945. After the assumption of her husband as Head of State, she was president of the Peronist Feminine Party, directed the Eva Perón Foundation and was officially declared Spiritual Head of the Nation in 1952.

In one of her many references to her, the former president and current Argentine vice president Cristina Fernández expressed on one occasion that she assumed without restrictions, without folds, the representation of the people and the country, with more passion and with more love than anyone else. A tireless fighter for equality and social justice, she achieved great changes in her time such as the fight for gender equality and for this reason she reached the enactment of the law that instituted the female vote in Argentina in 1947. She passed away in 1952, at the premature age of 33, a victim of cancer.

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