Havana, Cuba: The Cuban Attorney General’s Office reported today on warnings to citizens on the Island who have expressed the intention to carry out acts of disobedience on November 15, Prensa Latina reports.

An official note recalls that “on October 12, in the legitimate exercise of their functions and with precise legal arguments, government authorities denied the request presented by some citizens to carry out marches in eight provinces of the country, considering them illegal.”

It adds that before the intention expressed publicly by the petitioners to maintain the call, the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic today initiated ‘the warning to several citizens who, if they fail to comply with the decision of the aforementioned authorities, would incur the crimes of disobedience, illegal demonstrations, instigation to commit a crime or others foreseen and sanctioned in the current criminal legislation ‘.

The note emphasizes that the actions of the Prosecutor’s Office are based on article 156 of the Constitution, which attributes to it, among other missions, ensuring strict compliance with the Magna Carta, laws and other legal provisions by citizens.

It concludes that Law 83 of 1997, Law of the Attorney General of the Republic, in its article seven, establishes among its objectives to preserve the rights and legitimate interests of state organs, institutions and agencies.

Also contribute to the prevention of crime and other antisocial behaviors, the strengthening of social discipline and the education of citizens in the conscious observance of legal norms.

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