“La decisión de los cubanos sigue siendo de lucha y de victoria”, remarcó el jefe de Estado.

Havana, Cuba: The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), Miguel Díaz-Canel, called this Sunday to fight creatively in the face of difficulties facing the country and to maintain the spirit of resistance during the closing session of the II Plenary of that political organization, held at the Convention Palace of this capital in the presence of Army General Raúl Castro.

According to information published by the website of Radio Habana Cuba, the also President of the Republic insisted on the importance of seeing each problem as an opportunity to become more responsible and do things better, ‘a challenge to our ability to overcome difficulties’.

Similarly, he assured there are enough revolutionaries to face any demonstration that seeks to destroy the sovereignly elected political system of the island.

‘The decision of Cubans continues to be one of struggle and victory,’ the head of state remarked.

In his speech, Díaz-Canel spoke about the need to dialogue with the people, listen to them, and from there find inspiration to advance in the construction of socialism.

We have to ‘become aware to overcome difficulties and fight for victory without blunders, with intelligence, respect and in defense of the Constitution, but also with energy,’ he said.

He warned those who intend to destroy Cuba’s social project that ‘they are going to have to confront a people who are not fooled, who are sufficiently numerous, brave and heroic, and who are not frightened by threats.’

This weekend the members of the Central Committee evaluated the implementation of the agreements of the 8th Congress of the PCC, held between April 16 and 19.

Those present pointed out the need to improve work styles, accentuate the exemplary nature of the militancy and strengthen unity with citizens in the face of attempts to subvert order in the Caribbean country.

The attendants debated about the upcoming consultation on the Family Code and its referendum, as well as regarding the municipal and national elections of the People’s Power. In the same way, the militants evaluated the political assurance of all actors in the Cuban economy, with an emphasis on strengthening the unity between the state and private sectors to build a better country.

The secretary of Organization and Policy of Cadres of the PCC, Roberto Morales Ojeda, presented the central report of the meeting, which was approved by the attendees.

In addition, they approved the modifications to the Party Statutes, to the program for the improvement of ideological work, a strategy for cadre politics in the period 2021-2026 and a proposal for the strengthening of people’s power in Cuba.

Por Redacción Digital

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