La Paz: The XV General Assembly of the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC) begins this Thursday in Bolivia to analyze issues on sustainable development, health, climate change and Covid-19.
According to Radio Habana Cuba, the meeting will meet until tomorrow in a virtual and face-to-face way, and will also evaluate the action plan of the indigenous peoples, with the consequent approval of resolutions related to the indigenous peoples and the new Board of Directors will be elected.
The president of the Plurinational State Luis Arce, ministers, vice ministers, special guests, representatives of those peoples and experts are expected to attend the opening of the meeting, the Bolivian Minister of Foreign Relations, Freddy Mamani, announced the day before.
The head of diplomacy indicated that on the Covid-19 pandemic, its impact and future actions to be taken through natural medicine will be evaluated.
Regarding the FILAC Board of Directors, Mamani stated that Bolivia was the first country to launch its candidacy, which was also joined by Paraguay and they are analyzing the possibility of incorporating Ecuador.
These days we will exchange votes with the countries so that we can have a structure, he said.
The General Assembly of the organization is made up of government delegates from the 22 member states and 18 representatives of the indigenous peoples of the region, and meets every two years with the objective of defining policies and strategies.
The Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean emerged in 1992 during the II Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, based in Madrid, Spain, and is the only international organization oriented to “Good Living- Vivir Bien” of the indigenous peoples.

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