Transportation in Cuba gradually returns to normal.

Havana, Cuba: Land, air and maritime transport in Cuba returns to normal and today also contemplates its recovery and sustainability in a gradual process, scheduled until the 15th of this month, Prensa Latina publishes.

According to the Minister of Transportation, Eduardo Rodríguez, after the lifting of mobility restrictions, the itineraries were resumed in the localities and interprovincial transportation began.

As of November 15, he pointed out, the reception of more than 400 weekly flights is expected at the country’s 10 airports, of which 147 weekly US flights are already approved to any air terminal in the country.

But the restrictions established by the United States government persist in 2019 that obliges its aircraft to use only the capital airport.

It is one of the 243 measures adopted to intensify the economic, financial and commercial blockade that the United States has applied against Cuba for more than six decades.

For the arrival of travelers, the air terminals are already prepared to guarantee safe transit, as well as health controls have been optimized, but without neglecting the health of visitors.

In the case of domestic flights, air traffic will restart in correspondence with the availability of planes.

The reopening has some new features such as the availability of 30 minutes of free internet in all terminals, and in the future, the completion of advanced procedures for entering the national territory by digital means.

Maritime transportation must begin on the 5th to and from the Isla de la Juventud special municipality, and on the 15th -of the month itself- the Caribbean nation will allow the permanence of pleasure boats in territorial waters.

The arrival of cruise ships is expected in December.

The head of Transportation explained that within the Cuban government’s strategy, one of the macro-programs inserted in the National Plan for Economic and Social Development contemplates a specific program for the development of the transportation sector.

There are comprehensive projects for the transportation of passengers, cargo and infrastructure.

For its development, alternatives are prioritized that allow access to financing and achieve the recovery, sustainability and improvement of the transport management foreseen in the portfolio of opportunities.

It is planned to apply several variants for these sources of financing, from the injection of foreign capital or as funds of different types.

The other great priority, he indicated, is the improvement of the transport management through the application of the new measures approved by the government for the improvement of the socialist state enterprise and the new economic actors.

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