Mayabeque researchers and German company Porfümed consolidate collaboration agreement.

Mayabeque, Cuba: Researchers from the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, located in Mayabeque, and representatives of the German company Porfümed consolidated a collaboration agreement to promote the development of Cuban science through foreign investment in the sector, Canal Caribe announces.

Quitomax is one of the centre’s leading products capable of reducing the application of chemicals to crops and increasing their yields from 10 to 30 percent under conditions of abiotic stress.

Hence the interest of INCA researchers in closer cooperation with the German company to expand the production and distribution capacity of the bio-stimulant throughout the country.

With this agreement they would obtain the raw material to increase production from approximately 10,000 hectares to 200,000 hectares

The intention of German businessmen is to strengthen the exchange of knowledge and transmit the Cuban experience in European universities and institutions.

Initially Porfümed will offer a donation to INCA of the raw material to guarantee the necessary production of Quitomax for the national bean and potato campaigns.

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