Venezuela in the final stretch towards regional and municipal elections.

Caracas: The National Electoral Council (CNE) and the political organizations of Venezuela today enter the final stretch towards the regional and municipal elections scheduled for next Sunday the 21st, Prensa Latina publishes.

When renewing the call to the Venezuelan people to go massively to the polls, President Nicolás Maduro highlighted the importance of the upcoming democratic event for the consolidation of peace and stability in the nation.

“Within a week the noble Venezuela will go to vote, in history November 21 is marked as a great day for participatory and protagonist democracy”, the head of state said the day before during a public address.

Maduro highlighted the technological and organizational capacity of the CNE, in the provision of equipment for the exercise of suffrage, now characterized by greater quality and accessibility compared to previous processes.

The president of Venezuela also rejected plans to sabotage CNE facilities in the town of Mariche, Miranda state, which, thanks to the work of the security and intelligence agencies, resulted in the capture of four individuals belonging to a terrorist cell.

In this sense, the dignitary reiterated the complaint about the ties of the opposition leader and fugitive from justice Leopoldo López in the planning and financing of the frustrated attack against the electoral infrastructure, in order to boycott the development of the elections.

In turn, the president of the highest electoral body, Pedro Calzadilla, ratified this Sunday compliance with the security measures for the regional and municipal elections on November 21.

The minister specified that CNE maintains close coordination with the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and the police agencies in charge of ensuring the normal development of the democratic event.

“In the past we were victims of actions by sectors that still persist in stopping the democratic will of the Venezuelan people with destabilizing and violent actions,” Calzadilla warned.

He also recalled that on Thursday, November 18, the period dedicated to the electoral campaign will end, a process subject to rigorous monitoring through the monitoring room of the main television plants in the country to avoid irregularities.

Likewise, on Friday the 19th the electoral authorities will proceed to install voting tables throughout the country, distributed in 14,262 polling stations, with a total of 30,106 automated machines to guarantee the exercise of suffrage.

More than 20 million Venezuelans are summoned to the polls to elect the 23 governors and 335 mayors, in addition to the members of the state and municipal legislative councils.

Por Redacción Digital

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