Inicia en Cuba consulta popular sobre nuevo Código de las Familias.

Cuba: More than seven million voters in Cuba are taking part from today until April 30 in the popular consultation on the Family Code Bill, Cubasí reports.

According to official sources, in some 78,000 meeting sites, citizens inside and outside the island will be able to offer their approval, disagreement or proposals to modify the project that has already received the approval of the National Assembly of People’s Power (Parliament).

In the dynamic test held between January 27 and 28, was attended by the 12,513 electoral district commissions overseen the process (the basic instance of the form of government on the island).

The secretary of the National Electoral Council (CEN), María Esther Bacallao, stated that more than 15,000 jurists participated in the previous training stage, including 1,606 law students.

According to Bacallao, transparency and control of the consultation will be guaranteed with 1,428 supervisors and 27,891 collaborators who will act as guarantors throughout the country.

The authorities anticipate the completion of the delivery of the proposals to the Drafting Commission for processing in May, and prior to that date two news breaks were planned.

On the other hand, the University of Informatics Sciences will support the collection of the opinions of the population through programs designed for this purpose.

The last steps consist of the evaluation again by the Parliament, which will approve a new version to be later submitted to a popular referendum.

In statements to Prensa Latina, the president of the Cuban Society of Civil and Family Law, Leonardo Pérez, recently commented that the recognition of multi-parenthood and socio-affective relationships characterize the Family Code and make it one of the most disruptive in Latin America.

According to the expert, the text proposes a greater inclusion, not only of diverse people for reasons of their sexual orientation, but also different due to their age, the exercise of capacity and plurality.

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