Tehran: The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamjani, declared that his nation will not accept any deal that does not include lifting the sanctions imposed by the United States, Radio Habana Cuba reports.

Shamjani has declared this because this Tuesday a new round of negotiations will take place in Vienna, the capital of Austria belonging to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Jcpoa, for its acronym in English).

“The tasks of the Iranian negotiators were set to carefully continue the eighth round of negotiations. An agreement in which sanctions that represent extreme pressures are not lifted will affect the country’s economy, and cannot be the basis”, the Persian official stressed.

The spokesman for the Persian Foreign Ministry, Said Jatibzade, also spoke on the matter on Monday and stressed that his part hopes that the US delegation will return to Vienna with concise instructions on how to fulfill its obligations on the lifting of sanctions.

According to the diplomatic service of the European Union (the bloc that will coordinate the process), the participants will continue discussions on the prospect of a possible return of the United States to the Jcpoa and how to guarantee the complete and effective implementation of the agreement by all parties.

The sanctions were imposed by the United States on Iran when the latter nation was presided over by Donald Trump. In 2018, with the same ruler at the helm, Washington decides to leave the pact unilaterally, so it now participates indirectly.

Por Redacción Digital

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