Mayabeque registers 57 infected with SARS-Cov-2.

Mayabeque, Cuba: Mayabeque registers 57 positive cases for Covid-19, a figure higher than the previous day, and no deaths from the disease.

The territory with the highest number of infected is Santa Cruz del Norte with 12; followed by Batabanó and Jaruco with 8 each; Madruga with 7; Melena del Sur with 6 and Bejucal with 5.

Güines and San Nicolás confirm 4 per town and San José de las Lajas: 3.

According to the national part of the MINSAP, all are contacts of confirmed cases.

Coronavirus is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people with COVID 19 experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without the need for special treatment. However, some people develop severe cases and need medical attention.

Por Redacción digital

Equipo de redactores del sitio web de Radio Mayabeque

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