Priorizan montaje de equipamiento tecnológico y paneles solares para el desarrollo económico en Mayabeque.

Mayabeque, Cuba: Workers from the Alastor Mayabeque Division Base Business Unit prioritize the assembly of technological equipment in scientific centers in the province and systems for cooking canned food in industries and centers of economic interest.

In this way they achieve stability in production in these factories and other entities, which results in benefits for the country.

Together, they are in charge of putting into operation and rehabilitation of solar panel mechanisms in areas destined for national and foreign tourism, as well as the installation of refrigeration techniques in institutions of the public health sector.

The director of the entity, Yoel González Santiesteban, says that the objective of the UEB is to offer repair, assembly and maintenance services for steam boilers and solar heaters.

Among the places favored with the benefits are the National Center for Bio-preparations, the factories of Conservas Caribe and Francisco Cardona Orta de Batabanó, the isolation centers of the province, as well as the maternity home and the nursing home of San José de las Lajas.

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