Havana, Cuba: Cuba reported this Friday 29 new positive cases of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, 32 medical discharges and no deaths, Radio Habana Cuba reports.
The number of admitted patients is 263, 159 are suspected and 104 confirmed active, according to the daily report released by the Ministry of Public Health (Minsap).
Of the total number of infections at the end of last Thursday, 20 were contacts of confirmed cases, eight of them had their source of infection abroad and in one the cause of the infection was not identified.
To date, the recovery of nationals reached one million 97 thousand 183 (99.2 percent of all those confirmed), while of those admitted, all present stable clinical evolution.
Cuba accumulates one million 105 thousand 875 diagnosed with the pathogen since March 11, 2020 and the total number of fatalities as a result of the pandemic amounts to eight thousand 529.
Such behavior places the lethality of the Caribbean island at 0.77 percent, well below the 1.18 in the world and 1.73 in the American continent, according to a comparison of official data.
According to the health authorities, Cuba has now accumulated more than 40 days without deaths from the disease.

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