Cuba: A Colloquium for the centenary of Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez is in session today in this capital, in what constitutes an extension of the XXXI International Book Fair of Havana.
The deliberations will take place in the Hart theater hall of the José Martí National Library of Cuba, the Foundation for Nature and Man Antonio Núñez Jiménez (1923-1998), the Cuban News Agency exclusively informed.
It was announced that Eduardo Torres Cuevas, director of the Martí Program Office and president of the José Martí Cultural Society; and Miguel Barnet Lanza, outstanding writer and ethnologist, appear in the list of panelists.
The debates will revolve around the life and work of this eminent Cuban geographer, archaeologist and speleologist, in which Graziella Pogolotti Jacobson, art critic, prestigious essayist, prominent intellectual and promoter of Cuban Plastic Arts, also appears.
A writer called Núñez Jiménez is the title of the exhibition that will be inaugurated this Monday at the José Martí National Library of Cuba, according to the aforementioned information source.
It includes the first editions of his collection, accompanied by photographs of the professional and family life of this scientist who, in 1995, was awarded the status of Fourth Discoverer of Cuba by the Speleological Societies of Cuba and the Cuban Geography Societies.