Cuba confirmed a thousand 149 new cases of Covid-19.

Havana, Cuba: The National Director of Epidemiology of Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Durán, reported on Thursday 18 deceased and thousand 149 positive samples to the COVID-19 during the last 24 hours, for an accumulated of 105 thousand 661 diagnoses from the beginning of the disease in the nation, Radio Habana Cuba reports.

During its usual press conference, the specialist reported that at the midnight yesterday 22,885 patients were admitted, from them 3 thousand 928 suspects, 12 thousand 099 in epidemiological surveillance and 5 thousand 343 confirmed.

Durán explained that the country perceived 22 thousand 805 samples for an accumulated 3 million 564 thousand 773 samples analyzed.

The epidemiologist announced that of the thousand 149 patients, 452 were asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis, thousand 85 have a source of infection in previously confirmed cases, 32 have a source of infection abroad and in 32 people the source of contagion is unknown and a thousand 117 are autochthonous .

Of the total of the confirmed, 600 are male and 549 of the female. As for age groups, children under 19 were diagnosed 191 patients and in pediatric ages 172 (11 children under one year). 842 are maintained in the ages of 19 to 39 years, 347 cases were confirmed, between 40 and 59 years about 414 cases and 197 people over 60 years.

He pointed out that, of the 105,861 patients diagnosed with the disease from the beginning of it, 5 thousand 343, 5 thousand 270 with stable clinical evolution are kept. 632 deceased (18 in the last day) are reported for a lethality of 0.60. The two evacuees, 54 returnees are maintained and 99 thousand 630 recovered patients (1094 tall of the day) are accumulated. 33 patients are reported in critical state and 40 patients in serious state.

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