Lucha contra el racismo en el mundo.

Havana, Cuba: One month after the crime, the image of the African-American George Floyd, killed by white police officer Derek Chauvin on May 25 in Minneapolis, revived the Black Lives Matters (BLM) movement, Prensa Latina publishes.

In recent weeks, that tragedy impacted with equal emphasis on the graph of the United States and the rest of the world.

From the streets, graffiti as the most contested artistic expression, floods several cities in the northern nation, including Minneapolis itself, where creators Greta McLain, Xena Goldman and Caden Herrera conceived a visual sanctuary in tribute to Floyd right in the place of the crime.

His monochromatic face emerges to prevent the city from forgetting injustice and cries for an end to the racist present in the country that houses replicas of so-called street art in Los Angeles, Oakland, Dallas, Seattle, Tennessee, Cincinnati, Denver and Houston.

The same appears with an angelic halo, surrounded by sunflowers or expressing his regret turned into a slogan: I Can’t Breathe.

For its part, the streets of New York also display interventions under the slogan The color of the skin is not a crime, which denounces other deaths of African Americans Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain and Eric Garner, as a result of police brutality.

The wave of protests generated by the murder of Floyd was featured in media headlines such as the British newspaper The Guardian, whose digital version dedicated a photographic dossier where it exposes how street art supports activism globally.

Thus in Europe, the fight against discrimination occupies nations of the continent such as France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany and Belgium, where large murals display messages of support for the BLM and pay tribute to Floyd in the midst of the quarantine imposed by the new coronavirus.

The portrait of the African American icon stands out along with the renowned civil rights defenders Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Angela Davis and the Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, made by an artists’ collective in the Italian city of Naples.

Also, the remains of the historic Berlin Wall, known as the Louvre of street art, accommodates graffiti with the face of the American and the call to save his name as the colors of the anti-racist movement fill avenues in Glasgow, Milan, Belfast, Barcelona or Manchester.

In fact, the phenomenon whose epicenter is marked in the United States transcended its borders to settle in Africa and the Middle East, two of the territories most depressed by uncivilized practices and the exploitation of its inhabitants for racial reasons.

From Kenya, Palestine or Pakistan, artistic expressions were registered in favor of the Afro-descendant community and in memory of Floyd, whose figure was outlined by the artist Aziz Asmar together with a No to racism among the ruins of a building destroyed by the war in Syria.

Por Redacción Digital

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