Havana: The 15 municipalities of the capital of Cuba are carrying out massive studies to detect Covid-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health, Francisco Durán reported today.

Rapid tests and real-time PCR molecular tests (polymerase chain reaction) are carried out in each territory of Havana, the doctor stressed at the usual press conference on the impact of the deadly disease, Prensa Latina publishes.

He pointed out that the greatest amount of analysis occurs in municipalities where there are transmission events, foci of the disease and in those with a more complex epidemiological situation.

In addition, he explained, it is about finding possible infested in the so-called silent places taking into account the geographical and mobility characteristics of people in Havana.

Durán assured that as part of the fight against this deadly disease, the investigations in the capital will increase with the support of health workers, medical students and representatives of the mass organizations.

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