Cuban President Offers Condolences on Journalist's Death

Havana: The President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, today offered condolences for the death of the journalist Lázaro Barredo, who was a deputy and director of Diario Granma for many years, the official body of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC).

In his Twitter account, the president regretted the death of the “prominent Cuban journalist” and conveyed his regret to family and friends, Prensa Latina publishes.

Through the same social network, the Parliament of the Caribbean nation, the vice president of this, Ana María Mari, and the secretary, Homero Acosta, also sent messages.

“Lázaro Barredo, an excellent journalist, fighter for Cuba”, wrote Mari, who added that “as a deputy he defended just causes in international meetings and earned the respect and admiration of even the adversaries.”

For his part, the secretary referred to him as “a great colleague, a committed journalist and for several legislator deputies.”

The messages of the Parliament highlighted his passion for informing, an aspect that he shared “with the honorable duty of serving his people, first from the condition of base delegate of the People’s Power and, from 1993 to the last legislature, as a deputy.”

Barredo, who ran the Granma newspaper between November 2005 and October 2013, died the previous day of a cardiovascular condition.

Local media highlight his professional and political career, which includes specialization in economic and international issues, a visit to various informational bodies as a reporter and director, and participation in PCC congresses, among other tasks.

Por Redacción Digital

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