Cuba maintains a zero tolerance policy for human trafficking.

United Nations: Cuba today maintains its policy of zero tolerance to human trafficking and implements actions to prevent this scourge, highlighted the alternate permanent representative of the island to the United Nations, Ana Silvia Rodríguez, publishes Prensa Latina.

Through her official Twitter account, the ambassador indicated that her country also takes measures to protect and provide care for the victims, strengthen the confrontation with this problem, and severely punish the perpetrators.

In addition, she shared a report presented by Cuba in January of this year, which details the actions against human trafficking in the Caribbean nation.

The report also refers to the National Action Plan for the prevention and confrontation of human trafficking and the protection of victims (2017-2020), a fundamental tool in the coordinated action between the State and Cuban civil society organizations to the approach to this serious crime, she refers.

Rodríguez has repeatedly warned how Washington carries out, almost since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, a campaign against Cuban medical collaboration, and uses alleged crimes related to human trafficking as justification, but does not present evidence of this.

The US government tries to discredit the efforts of the Cuban authorities and health professionals in their fight against Covid-19 around the world, the ambassador emphasizes.

For his part, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez accuses the United States of criminalizing the international cooperation that the island provides to face the pandemic.

He does it for political reasons, he stressed, since humanism and solidarity are alien to the White House; In order to attack Cuba, the United States government does not hesitate to damage the efforts of third countries in confronting the pandemic.

In June of this year, the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, presented the United States report on human trafficking, which included Cuba in the worst location (level three) and rated the performance of the medical missions of the island of forced labor.

Such announcement was made in the context of an intense campaign by the administration of President Donald Trump against the collaboration of health personnel from the Caribbean nation in the world, alleging alleged violations in their treatment and payment.

Despite this, numerous governments request Cuba’s help to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, and brigades of health professionals from that island territory have already traveled to more than 30 countries in Europe, America, Africa and the Middle East.

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