Save the historical sugar heritage of Cuba.

Mayabeque, Cuba: Sugar and Rebelliousness are part of the Cuban culture. The extraordinary victory of January 1, 1959, changed the role of the cane, extended the emancipation quanto, and supposed sovereign conquest in the fight against the giant of the North, Radio Rebelde reports.

As a response to the United States government’s Dagger Law, the Revolution nationalized 36 power plants on August 6, 1960. Two months later, on October 13, 105 factories, until then, North American properties, passed into the hands of the Cuban people. 

The Day of the Sugar Worker means responsibility with memory. The president of the National Historical Heritage Commission of this sector, researcher Liobel Pérez Hernández, highlighted the need to cultivate it by virtue of the identity of a country.

The Historian of the Cuban sugar universe specified that throughout the national territory, there are 271 rooms and seats, 2,185 pieces of proven heritage value are duly identified, and 266 commemorative constructions have been recognized.

Liobel Pérez Hernández denoted the call for more than 20 years of the contest on the Historical Sugar Heritage, in which hundreds of presentations by authors of a wide spectrum of ages, students and professionals of multiple specialties are presented annually.

The nationalization of 105 sugar mills exactly 60 years ago, defines in history the Day of the Sugar Worker, a date that confirms the insertion of the resistance in the idiosyncrasy of millions, as part of the celebratory program of the day for the Day of Cuban Culture.

Por Redacción Digital

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