Buenos Aires: With trials and investigations open for almost four decades, today several of those responsible for the crimes against humanity committed during the last Argentine military dictatorship (1976-1983) will be seated on the bench, Prensa Latina publishes.

As announced by the Association of Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, this Tuesday from early hours, via internet, the Federal Oral Court 1 of the city of La Plata, capital of the province of Buenos Aires, will investigate the accused for 442 victims.

With live transmission, this is the second hearing of the trial for crimes against humanity committed in the clandestine detention centers Pozo de Banfield, Pozo de Quilmes and Brigada de Lanús, three of the several places used for torture and extermination during that hard time.

In this case, 18 repressors who acted in these clandestine detention centers are being tried, including Miguel Etchecolatz; former police doctor Jorge Berges and Juan Miguel Wolk, responsible for the Banfield Well, who must answer for crimes against 442 people, including 18 pregnant women and seven children born in captivity.

According to the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, accusers along with several of those children, today and women and men, who managed to recover their identity, the first case had its first elevation to trial in April 2012.

Among the claimants are Carlos D’Elía, Victoria Moyano Artigas, María José Lavalle Lemos and her sister María Lavalle, whose mothers brought them into the world in captivity, in addition to the survivor Pablo Díaz, and Graciela Borelli, sister of a Uruguayan citizen who was a victim of the Condor Plan.

Many of the children of the women who were pregnant when they were detained and disappeared by officials of the dictatorship were recovered, but the Grandmothers are still looking for others.

“We hope that you will accompany us in this important process to achieve justice for our sons, daughters and grandchildren”, said the Grandmothers in a message on their website.

For precisely a month, the case of the fearsome death flights, one of the murder practices committed during the dictatorship, in the Campo de Mayo clandestine center, has also been carried out in hearings broadcast live, with the testimony of several ex-soldiers who performed military service in the 601st Aviation Battalion.

The trial already included statements from relatives of four victims dumped in the waters of the Argentine sea and the Río de la Plata.

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