Democrat Joe Biden leads the presidential elections in the United States, according to the projections of the AP agency, with 264 electoral votes compared to 214 for Republican Donald Trump, Radio Rebelde reports.

To rise to the presidency, either of the two candidates needs a total of 270 votes from the Electoral College.

Results for North Carolina (15 votes), Georgia (16), Pennsylvania (20), Nevada (6), and Alaska (3) remain to be released. The Republican so far leads the projections in most of those states, but the Democrat leads in Nevada, whose votes will be enough to reach 270.

As announced by state authorities yesterday, Nevada must update its data in the next few hours and Georgia has more than 149,000 ballots to count. Meanwhile, North Carolina warned that results will not be announced until November 12 or 13, and Pennsylvania, specified that almost 50% of the votes cast by mail have been processed, but that there are still millions to be counted.

Both candidates

Donald Trump’s campaign has filed a lawsuit in Georgia that seeks to stop the counting of votes in the state after the presidential elections, the AP agency reports. That’s the third key state – along with Pennsylvania and Michigan – in which Republicans sued to challenge some aspect of the vote. In Wisconsin, the president’s team requested a recount of all votes.

Meanwhile, Biden has stated that “it is clear” that he is “winning in enough states to win the Presidency”, but has stressed that he does not plan to declare himself the winner until the end of the vote count.

Preliminary results reveal that Biden broke a 12-year popular vote record set by Barack Obama. In the case of participation, it has been the highest in 120 years and the Democrat would have become the most voted candidate in the history of his country with almost 80 million ballots.

The lack of electoral results has motivated protests in several American cities.

In New York under the call of “All votes count, count all votes”, hundreds of people gathered on the stairs of the New York Library on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan to denounce President Trump’s attempts to stop the scrutiny in key states. In that city, the police authorities reported that at least 20 people were arrested.

The protest took place on the main avenues of Manhattan. The protesters supported the ‘Count Every Vote’ initiative and wanted to make a call for “justice, equity and democracy.”

The Every Vote Counts campaign seeks to counter Donald Trump’s attempts to proclaim himself the winner of the elections before all the ballots are counted.

On the other hand, Trump supporters gathered outside the Maricopa County Elections Department building in Phoenix, expressing their dissatisfaction with the results that project the Democrat as the winner of that state.

And, in the city of Portland, Oregon, hundreds of people mobilized in support of Biden while protesting against the demands of the Republican campaign. Faced with the massive mobilization and a possible confrontation between supporters on both sides, Governor Kate Brown signed an executive order that handed over the “unified command” of the Police and the National Guard to City Commissioner Michael Reese.

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