Tehran: Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Yavad Zarif denounced today a conspiracy of the Saudi-Israeli-American axis designed to assassinate a high-level nuclear scientist and create tensions and chaos in the Islamic Republic, Prensa Latina publishes.

“The architects and defenders of the policy of maximum pressure try to use the last days of US President Donald Trump to generate tension and damage the possibility of eliminating anti-Iranian measures”, he said.

Zarif stressed that this objective was being pursued by the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo on his recent tour, when he met with the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman.  

Such events, he added, reflect a conspiracy that unfortunately began with the cowardly and terrorist act of assassinating one of Iran’s leading scientists.

As soon as news of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh’s assassination came to light in Iran, Israeli media claimed that the scientist’s name came from a UN list to the Mossad (Tel Aviv Intelligence Service), he commented.

But it was the opposite, said the foreign minister, because the United States and Israel provided information on Fakhrizadeh to the International Atomic Energy Organization (IAEA).

And that entity, he added, placed him on a list of persons subject to sanctions under Resolution 1747 of the UN Security Council, adopted in March 2007.

Zarif stressed that a keyword analysis of 10,000 tweets in the first hours after the assassination showed that 79 percent of them were aimed at creating opposition against the nuclear deal and Iranian cooperation with the IAEA.

Similarly, 93 percent of the messages came from false and anonymous accounts with a history of less than a year and mostly of foreign origin, explained the head of Iranian diplomacy.

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