Havana, Cuba: At midnight yesterday, January 21, 9,083 patients have been admitted for epidemiological clinical surveillance, 3,483 suspects, 1,074 under surveillance and 4,526 confirmed, the official website of Minsap publishes.
For COVID-19, 13,449 samples were studied, resulting in 530 positive samples. The country accumulates 1,738,190 samples made and 20,060 positive.
Of the total cases (530): 473 were contacts of confirmed cases; 41 with a source of infection abroad; on day 16 without a specified source of infection. Of the 530 diagnosed cases, 271 were female and 259 male.
53.8% (285) of the 530 positive cases were asymptomatic, accumulating a total of 12,142, which represents 60.5% of those confirmed to date.
Of the total cases of the day, 112 (21.1%) are linked to international travelers, accumulating 6,654, which represents 52.6% of the total cases since November 15.
The 530 diagnosed cases belong to the age groups: under 20 years: 79; from 20 to 39 years: 173; from 40 to 59 years: 178; and more than 60 years: 100 cases.
Residence by province and municipalities of confirmed cases:
Pinar del Río: 50 cases
• Consolación del Sur: 3 (2 contacts of a confirmed case and 1 without a specified source of infection)
• Los Palacios: 1 (contact of confirmed case)
• Mantua: 1 (confirmed case contact)
• Pinar del Río: 38 (32 contacts of confirmed cases and 6 imported)
• San Juan and Martínez: 4 (3 contacts of a confirmed case and 1 without a specified source of infection)
• San Luis: 3 (2 contacts of confirmed case and 1 without specified source of infection)
Artemisa: 18 cases
• Artemisa: 1 (confirmed case contact)
• Bahía Honda: 3 (2 contacts of confirmed cases and 1 imported)
• Caimito: 6 (5 contacts of confirmed cases and 1 without a specified source of infection)
• Candelaria: 1 (without specified source of infection)
• Guanajay: 1 (contact of confirmed case)
• San Antonio de Los Baños: 4 (contacts of confirmed cases)
• San Cristóbal: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases)
Havana: 212 cases
• 10 de Octubre: 25 (23 contacts of confirmed cases and 2 imported)
• Arroyo Naranjo: 16 (contacts of confirmed cases)
• Boyeros: 15 (contacts of confirmed cases)
• Centro Habana: 13 (10 contacts of confirmed cases and 3 imported)
• Cerro: 14 (12 contacts of confirmed cases, 1 imported and 1 without a specified source of infection)
• Cotorro: 13 (contacts of confirmed cases)
• Guanabacoa: 11 (contacts of confirmed cases)
• Habana del Este: 17 (16 contacts of confirmed cases and 1 imported)
• Habana Vieja: 12 (10 contacts of confirmed cases and 2 imported)
• La Lisa: 9 (contacts of confirmed cases)
• Marianao: 11 (contacts of confirmed cases)
• Playa: 15 (12 contacts of confirmed cases and 3 imported)
• Plaza de La Revolución: 21 (contacts of confirmed cases)
• Regla: 4 (contacts of confirmed cases)
• San Miguel del Padrón: 16 (contacts of confirmed cases)
Mayabeque: 3 cases
• San José de Las Lajas: 3 (1 imported and 2 without a specified source of infection)
Matanzas: 76 cases
• Calimete: 4 (contacts of confirmed case)
• Cárdenas: 34 (28 confirmed case contacts and 6 imported)
• Ciénaga de Zapata: 1 (contacts of confirmed case)
• Colon: 12 (11 contacts of confirmed case and 1 imported)
• Jagüey Grande: 3 (2 contacts of confirmed case and 1 imported)
• Los Arabos: 2 (contacts of confirmed case)
• Martí: 1 (imported)
• Matanzas: 13 (contacts of confirmed case)
• Pedro Betancourt: 2 (imported)
• Unión de Reyes: 4 (contacts of confirmed case)
Cienfuegos: 4 cases
• Cienfuegos: 3 (1 contact with a confirmed case, 1 imported and 1 without a specified source of infection)
• Abreus: 1 (contact of confirmed case)
Villa Clara: 9 cases
• Manicaragua: 2 (contacts of confirmed case)
• Ranchuelo: 1 (without specified source of infection)
• Santa Clara: 3 (2 contacts of confirmed cases and 1 without a specified source of infection)
• Santo Domingo: 3 (contacts of confirmed cases)
Sancti Spíritus: 2 cases
• Cabaiguán: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
• Promotion: 1 (contact of confirmed cases)
Ciego de Ávila: 1 case
• Majagua: 1 (imported)
Camaguey: 3 cases
• Camagüey: 3 (1 confirmed case contact and 2 imported)
Las Tunas: 1 case
• Las Tunas: 1 (imported).
Holguín: 21 cases
• Holguín: 20 (18 contacts of confirmed cases, 1 imported and 1 without a specified source of infection)
• Moa: 1 (confirmed case contact)
Santiago de Cuba: 32 cases
• Niquero: 4 (confirmed case contacts)
• Palma Soriano: 4 (3 contacts of confirmed cases and 1 without a specified source of infection)
• San Luis: 1 (imported)
• Santiago de Cuba: 22 (19 contacts of confirmed cases and 3 without a specified source of infection)
• Songo La Maya: 1 (contacts of confirmed case)
Granma: 2 cases
• Manzanillo: 1 (contact of confirmed case)
• Jiguaní: 1 (contact with confirmed case)
Guantanamo: 90 cases
• Baracoa: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases)
• Caimanera: 1 (contact of confirmed case)
• El Salvador: 1 (contact of confirmed case)
• Guantánamo: 81 (79 contacts of confirmed cases and 2 imported)
• Manuel Tames: 5 (4 contacts of confirmed cases and 1 imported)
Isla de La Juventud Special Municipality: 6 cases (contacts of confirmed cases)
Of the 20,060 patients diagnosed with the disease, 4,526, 4,481 with stable clinical evolution remain hospitalized. 188 deaths are reported (4 in the day), two evacuees, 33 returned to their countries, 557 discharges of the day, 15 thousand 311 recovered patients accumulate (76.3%). 45 confirmed patients are treated in intensive care, 14 of them critical and 31 seriously ill.
Until January 21, 190 countries (+1) with COVID-19 cases are reported, the confirmed cases amount to 97 million 441 thousand 022 (+ 722 thousand 287) with 21 million 761 thousand 613 active cases and 2 million 86 thousand 509 deceased (+14,043 for a fatality of 2.14 (=).
In the region of the Americas, 43 million 452 thousand 549 confirmed cases (+ 300 thousand 657) are reported, 44.59% of the total cases reported in the world, with 11 million 529 thousand 534 active cases and 994 thousand 756 deaths (+ 7,520) for a lethality of 2.28 (=).

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