Mayabeque, Cuba: Mayabeque today registers 26 positive cases for Covid-19, according to the official website of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP).

The distribution by municipalities is as follows:

• Batabanó: 1 (confirmed case contact).

• Bejucal: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases).

• Güines: 9 (8 contact with a confirmed case and 1 without a specified source of infection).

• Jaruco: 1 (contact of confirmed case).

• Southern Melena: 1 (without specified source of infection).

• Nueva Paz: 2 (no source of infection specified).

• Quivicán: 1 (without specified source of infection).

• San José de Las Lajas: 7 (contacts of confirmed cases).

• Santa Cruz del Norte: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases).

To avoid the spread of COVID-19: use of the mask face is mandatory, wash your hands frequently, use soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, keep a safe distance from people who cough or sneeze.

Also do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. When you cough, cover your nose and mouth with a bent elbow or a handkerchief. If you have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, go to a health center for medical attention.

Por Redacción Digital

Equipo de redactores del sitio web de Radio Mayabeque

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