Acuerdan Cuba y Bolivia relanzamiento de relaciones económicas y comerciales.

Cuba: Cuba and the Plurinational State of Bolivia today agreed to relaunch their economic and commercial relations, suspended after the arrival to power of the coup government of Jeanine Añez in the Andean nation, from November 2019 until the same month of 2020, Radio Rebelde reports.

In that sense, Ana Teresita González, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, held a videoconference this Thursday with her Bolivian counterpart, Benhamin Blanco Ferri, where they advocated the restart of cooperation between both countries, starting from the existing potentialities.

With the electoral victory of Luis Arce and the return to democracy in Bolivian territory, the Cuban government expressed its willingness to resume the historical ties of brotherhood and solidarity between both peoples, promoted by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro and indigenous leader Evo Morales.

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