London: British scientists are studying today a new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that, like other mutations already discovered, could reduce the effect of vaccines and increase the transmission of Covid-19, Prensa Latina publishes.

A report from the University of Edinburgh warns that the strain called B1525 contains several of the mutations also found in those previously discovered in southern England, South Africa and Brazil.

Among those changes would be the one that increases the level of transmission of the virus and the one that reduces the effect of vaccines, known in scientific jargon as B-1.1.7 and E484K, respectively.

According to the study, 33 people infected with this new variant have already been detected in the United Kingdom, which is also present in Denmark (35 cases), Nigeria (12), the United States (10), France (5) and Spain (1 ) among other countries.

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