Washington: The Democratic Congressman of the United States House of Representatives Bennie Thompson today filed a civil lawsuit against former President Donald Trump and his lawyer Rudy Guiliani, for orchestrating the attack on the Capitol and inciting unrest in Congress on January 6, Prensa Latina publishes.

The lawsuit, filed Tuesday in federal court by the Democratic chairman of the House National Security Committee, cites a post-Civil War law designed to combat violence and intimidation by the Ku Klux Klan.

So far, it is the first civil action filed against the former US president in relation to the attack on the Capitol.

Thompson refers to Trump’s words and tweets in the previous months to the insurrection to highlight his responsibility to mobilize and prepare his supporters to break into Congress when it was to validate Joe Biden’s electoral victory in the elections of November.

The Democratic congressman for the state of Mississippi argues in his complaint that the series of events that occurred at a rally where the Republican magnate participated, prior to the assault on the Capitol, were ‘carefully orchestrated’ and not the result of ‘an accident or a coincidence’.

Furthermore, he points out, that attack was the anticipated and foreseeable culmination of a carefully coordinated campaign in order to interfere with the legal process required to confirm the counting of votes cast in the Electoral College.

If this lawsuit proceeds, it would mean that the former president and others would be subject to discoveries and statements, which could expose details and evidence that were not published during the impeachment trial in the Senate, which concluded last Saturday with the acquittal of the former ruler.

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