Havana, Cuba: At midnight yesterday, February 23, 19 thousand 328 patients were admitted for clinical epidemiological surveillance, two thousand 824 suspects, 11 thousand 875 under surveillance and 4 thousand 629 confirmed active, the official website of the MINSAP publishes.
For COVID-19 they studied 18,792 samples, resulting in 699 positive samples.
Of the total cases (699): 666 were contacts of confirmed cases; 14 with a source of infection abroad; on day 19 with no specified source of infection. Of the 699 diagnosed cases, 389 were female and 310 male.
46.0% (322) of the 699 positive cases were asymptomatic.
The 699 diagnosed cases belong to the age groups: under 20 years: 83; 20 to 39 years: 208; 40 to 59 years: 259 and more than 60: 149 cases.
Residence by province and municipalities of confirmed cases:
Pinar del Río: 60 cases
• Consolación del Sur: 15 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• La Palma: 3 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Minas de Matahambre: 3 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Pinar del Río: 29 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• San Juan y Martínez: 5 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• San Luis: 4 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Sandino: 1 (without specified source of infection).
Artemisa: 22 cases
• Artemisa: 4 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Bahía Honda: 7 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Candelaria: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
• Guanajay: 3 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Güira de Melena: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
• San Cristóbal: 6 (contacts of confirmed cases).
Havana: 395 cases
• 10 de Octubre: 45 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Arroyo Naranjo: 53 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Boyeros: 29 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Centro Habana: 30 (29 contacts of confirmed cases and 1 imported).
• Cerro: 33 (32 contacts of confirmed cases and 1 imported).
• Cotorro: 21 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Guanabacoa: 24 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Habana del Este: 20 (16 contacts of confirmed cases and 4 without a specified source of infection).
• Habana Vieja: 19 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• La Lisa: 25 (24 contacts of confirmed cases and 1 imported).
• Marianao: 15 (14 contacts of confirmed cases and 1 imported).
• Playa: 14 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Plaza de La Revolución: 36 (31 contacts of confirmed cases and 5 imported).
• Regla: 5 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• San Miguel del Padrón: 26 (contacts of confirmed cases).
Mayabeque: 26 cases
• Güines: 2 (1 contact with a confirmed case and 1 without a specified source of infection).
• Madruga: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
• Melena del Sur: 14 (13 contacts of confirmed cases and 1 without a specified source of infection).
• Quivicán: 7 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• San José de Las Lajas: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
• San Nicolás de Bari: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
Matanzas: 5 cases
• Cárdenas: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
• Colón: 1 (confirmed case contact).
• Los Arabos: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
• Matanzas: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases).
Cienfuegos: 12 cases
• Cienfuegos: 10 (3 contacts of confirmed cases, 1 imported and 6 without a specified source of infection).
• Cruces: 1 (confirmed case contact).
• Palmira: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
Villa Clara: 9 cases
• Placetas: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
• Ranchuelo: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Santa Clara: 6 (contacts of confirmed cases).
Sancti Spíritus: 7 cases
• Cabaiguán: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
• Sancti Spíritus: 4 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Trinidad: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases).
Ciego de Ávila: 7 cases
• Ciego de Ávila: 3 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Morón: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Primero de Enero: 1 (confirmed case contact).
• Venezuela: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
Camaguey: 41 cases
• Camagüey: 22 (20 contacts of confirmed cases and 2 imported).
• Céspedes: 3 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Esmeralda: 1 (confirmed case contact).
• Florida: 10 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Minas: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Najasa: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
• Nuevitas: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
• Vertientes: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
Granma: 27 cases
• Bartolomé Masó: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
• Bayamo: 19 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Campechuela: 1 (contact of confirmed case).
• Guisa: 1 (confirmed case contact).
• Manzanillo: 2 (1 contact with a confirmed case and 1 without a specified source of infection).
• Niquero: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Yara: 1 (confirmed case contact).
Holguín: 12 cases
• Holguín: 7 (5 contacts of confirmed cases and 2 imported).
• Moa: 1 (confirmed case contact).
• Sagua de Tánamo: 4 (1 contact with a confirmed case and 3 without a specified source of infection).
Santiago de Cuba: 52 cases
• Contramaestre: 2 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Segundo Frente: 7 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• San Luis: 3 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Santiago de Cuba: 40 (contacts of confirmed cases).
Guantanamo: 13 cases
• Baracoa: 3 (contacts of confirmed cases).
• Guantánamo: 10 (contacts of confirmed cases).
Isla de La Juventud Special Municipality: 11 (9 contacts of confirmed cases and 2 without a specified source of infection).
Of the 46,896 patients diagnosed with the disease, 4,629 remain hospitalized, 4,573 of them with stable clinical evolution. There are 308 deaths (four in the day), two evacuees, 54 returned to their countries, 924 discharges of the day, 41 thousand 903 recovered patients (89.3%) accumulate. 56 confirmed patients are cared for in intensive care, of them 32 critical and 24 severe.
Until February 23, 190 countries and 29 territories with COVID-19 cases are reported, the confirmed cases amount to 112 million 434 thousand 245 (+ (+ 350 thousand 967) with 21 million 954 thousand 445 active cases and 2 million 489 thousand 705 deaths (+ 9,324) for a fatality of 2.21 (=).
In the region of the Americas, 50 million 512 thousand 962 confirmed cases are reported (+ 130 thousand 935), 44.95% of the total cases reported in the world, with 10 million 883 thousand 86 active cases and 1 million 196 thousand 606 deaths (+ 3 thousand 863) for a fatality of 2.36 (=)