Mayabeque, Cuba: Mayabeque today shows a great dispersion of people positive for Covid-19. According to the official website of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), 60 positive samples were analyzed yesterday.
Among those infected are 3 without a specified source of infection, 1 imported and 56 contacts of confirmed cases.
The municipality of San José de las Lajas reports 21 people infected with the virus, San Nicolás 8, Batabanó 6 while Santa Cruz del Norte and Quivicán confirmed 5 each.
In the case of Nueva Paz, Jaruco, Güines and Bejucal diagnosed 2 cases each, as Melena del Sur 3, Madruga 4 and Batabanó 6.
As reported by the national director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health (Minsap), Dr. Francisco Durán García, in his usual press conference, from the province of Mayabeque a 78-year-old Cuban citizen from Madruga is admitted in stable critical condition.
Among the Personal Pathological Antecedents, he presents Arterial Hypertension and Operated Hip Fracture. He is in the Intensive Care Unit, afebrile, intubated and ventilated due to marked polypnea and hypoxemia, on mechanical ventilation with moderate respiratory distress. He is hemodynamically stable, although with a tendency to arterial hypotension. Blood gases with respiratory acidosis and moderate hypoxemia.
While in serious condition there is an 80-year-old Cuban citizen from the municipality of San José de las Lajas. Her Personal Pathological Antecedent includes Arterial Hypertension, Ischemic Heart Disease and Chronic Lymphangitis, Ulcers on both legs. She is in Intensive Care, afebrile, ventilating spontaneously with supplemental oxygen, good saturation. Hemodynamically stable. Preserved diuresis. Gasometry with respiratory acidosis.

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