Cuba reports 718 positive samples of Covid-19

Havana: The national director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba, Dr. Francisco Durán, reported this Monday three deaths and 718 samples positive for Covid-19 during the last 24 hours, for an accumulated of 67 thousand 476 diagnoses since the beginning of the disease in the nation, Radio Habana Cuba reports.

During his usual press conference, the specialist reported that at the end of yesterday, 21 thousand 483 patients were admitted, of them 3 thousand 588 suspects, 14 thousand 511 in epidemiological surveillance and 3 thousand 384 confirmed.

Durán explained that the country carried out 18 thousand 966 samples for an accumulated of 2 million 807 thousand 130 samples analyzed.

The epidemiologist announced that, of 718 patients, 336 were asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis, 697 have a source of infection in previously confirmed cases, 3 have a source of infection abroad and in 18 people the source of infection is unknown. 715 autochthonous patients were reported.

Of the total confirmed, 346 are male and 372 female. Regarding the age groups, 103 patients under 19 years of age were diagnosed and in pediatric ages, 648 remain active hospitalized. In the ages of 19 to 39 years, 219 cases were confirmed, between 40 and 59 years about 284 cases and 112 people older than 60 years.

The positives cases belong to Pinar del Río: 33, Artemisa: 25, La Habana: 441, Mayabeque: 10, Matanzas: 18, Cienfuegos: 6, Villa Clara: 10, Sancti Spíritus: 8, Ciego de Ávila: 2, Camagüey: 22, Las Tunas: 3, Granma: 61, Holguín: 12 casos, Santiago de Cuba: 58 casos, Guantánamo: 9.

Durán specified that of the 67 thousand 476 patients diagnosed with the disease since the beginning of it, 3,384 confirmed hospitalizations remain, of them 3,953 with stable clinical evolution. 397 deaths are reported (3 in the last day) for a fatality of 0.59. The two evacuees remain, 54 returnees and 63 thousand 639 recovered patients accumulate (779 discharges of the day). 32 patients in critical condition and 45 patients in serious condition are reported.

Until March 21, 190 countries with cases of COVID-19 are reported, there are 123 million 710 thousand 113 infections and 2 million 725 thousand 140 deaths for a lethality of 2.20.

In the region of the Americas, 54 million 982 thousand 673 confirmed cases and 1 million 319 thousand 583 deaths are reported for a fatality of 2.39.

Por Redacción Digital

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